This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you accept the use of cookies. Cookie Policy OK

1.- Introduction

This information sheet serves to inform you about our website's ("Website" - hereinafter referred to as "", "We", "Us", "Our/s") Cookie Policy, so that you may better understand the use of cookies during your navigation and provide your consent thereto.

It is understood that by continuing to navigate on this Website you are consenting to the use of cookies, as specifically indicated in the notice on the front page ("Homepage") reporting the existence of our Cookie Policy.

2.- What are cookies?

Cookies are small files which are stored on your computer, they hold a modest amount of data specific to you and allows a server to deliver a page tailored to you on your computer, hard drive, smartphone or tablet (hereinafter referred to as, "Device"). Later on, if you return to our Website, it can read and recognise the cookies. Primarily, they are used to operate or improve the way our Website works as well as to provide business and marketing information to the Website owner.

3.- Authorisation for the use of cookies on our Website

In accordance with the notice of cookie usage appearing on our Website's homepage and our Cookie Policy you agree that, when browsing our Website, you consent to the use of cookies described herein, except to the extent that you have modified your browser settings to disable their use. This includes but is not limited to browsing our Website to complete any of the following actions: closing the cookie notice on the Homepage, scrolling through the Website, clicking on any element of the Website, etc.

4.- Types of cookies used on our Website

4.1. Types of cookies according to the managing entity

Depending on what entity manages the computer or domain from which the cookies are sent and processed, there exist the following types of cookies:

First party cookies: these are sent to your Device from a computer or domain managed by us and from which the service you requested is provided.

Third party cookies: these are sent to your Device from a computer or domain that is not managed by us, but by a separate entity that processes data obtained through cookies.

4.2. Types of cookies according to the length of time you stay connected:

Depending on the amount of time you remain active on your Device, these are the following types of cookies:

Session cookies: these are designed to receive and store data while you access the Website. These cookies do not remain stored on your Device when you exit the session or browser.

Persistent cookies: these types of cookies remain stored on your Device and can be accessed and processed after you exit the Website as well as when you navigate on it for a pre-determined period of time. The cookie remains on the hard drive until it reaches its expiration date. The maximum time we use persistent cookies on our Website is 2 years. At this point the browser would purge the cookie from the hard drive.

4.3. Types of cookies according to their purpose

Cookies can be grouped as follows:

a. Technical cookies: these cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of our Website and are essential for browsing and allow the use of various features. Without them, you cannot use the search function, compare tool or book other available services on our Website.

b. Personalisation cookies: these are used to make navigating our Website easier, as well as to remember your selections and offer more personalised services. In some cases, we may allow advertisers or other third parties to place cookies on our Website to provide personalised content and services. In any case, your use of our Website serves as your acceptance of the use of this type of cookie. If cookies are blocked, we cannot guarantee the functioning of such services.

c. Analytical cookies for statistical purposes and measuring traffic: these cookies gather information about your use of our Website, the pages you visit and any errors that may occur during navigation. We also use these cookies to recognise the place of origin for visits to our Website. These cookies do not gather information that may personally identify you. All information is collected in an anonymous manner and is used to improve the functioning of our Website through statistical information. Therefore, these cookies do not contain personal data. In some cases, some of these cookies are managed on our behalf by third parties, but may not be used by them for purposes other than those mentioned above.

d. Advertising and re-marketing cookies: these cookies are used to gather information so that ads are more interesting to you, as well as to display other advertising campaigns along with advertisements on the Website or on those of third parties. Most of these cookies are "third party cookies" which are not managed by us and, because of the way they work, cannot be accessed by us, nor are we responsible for their management or purpose. Our Privacy Policy contains more information about the way third party cookies work, their purpose and how they are used. You may find this information in the list of cookies available in Clause 5 of our Cookie Policy.

To that end, we can also use the services of a third party in order to collect data and/or publish ads when you visit our Website. These companies often use anonymous and aggregated information (not including, for example, your name, address, email address or telephone number) regarding visits to this Website and others in order to publish ads about goods and services of interest to you.

e. Social cookies: these cookies allow you to share our Website and click "Like" on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube, etc. They also allow you interact with each distinct platform's contents. The way these cookies are used and the information gathered is governed by the privacy policy of each social platform, which you can find on the list below in Paragraph 5 of our Cookie Policy.

5.- Cookie management

You must keep in mind that if your Device does not have cookies enabled, your experience on the Website may be limited, thereby impeding the navigation and use of our services.

5.1.- How do I disable/enable cookies?

There are a number of ways to manage cookies. By modifying your browser settings, you can opt to disable cookies or receive a notification before accepting them. You can also erase all cookies installed in your browser's cookie folder. Keep in mind that each browser has a different procedure for managing and configuring cookies. Here's how you manage cookies in the various major browsers:


If you use another browser, please read its help menu for more information.

If you would like information about managing cookies on your tablet or smartphone, please read the related documentation or help archives online.

5.2.- How are third party cookies enabled/disabled?

We do not install third party cookies. They are installed by our partners or other third parties

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ASCII on graafisen suunnittelun tekniikka, joka käyttää tietokoneita esittelyä varten ja koostuu kuvia kasattiin kokoon 95 tulostettavia merkkejä määritelty ASCII Standard vuodelta 1963 ja ASCII yhteensopiva merkistöt proprietary erikoismerkkejä.

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