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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621118

Gender : Mies
Age : 24
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
만나서 반가워요만나서 반가워요!친구가 되고싶거나 친해지고 싶으시다면 친구가 되고싶거나 친해지고 싶으시다면메일을 남겨주시면 감사합니다 메일을 남겨주시면 감사합니다 お会い...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 54
Asuinmaa : Australia
Hi my name is Odette. I live in Brisbane. Australia. I am hoping to make friends from everywhere. Hope to make new connections with people that have similar interests. I enjoy learning new ideas. Love...
Gender : Mies
Age : 57
Asuinmaa : Japani
Hi, my name is Yasu. I am from Japan. I would like to make a friend from all over the world. I have been to usa for 3 years. I want to lerning English. Also I can speak Korean language little bit. I l...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 16
Asuinmaa : Kiina
I have re uploaded the picturesHello. Nice to meet youI am a high school student. I like to discuss philosophy, sociology and art issues. In my spare time, I like reading and listening to music, most...
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Gender : Nainen
Age : 47
Asuinmaa : Others
性別・年齢・国籍に関係なくpositiveで長く仲良く友達になれる人のみメッセージください を強要する人 プロフィールがない人 恋人を探している人はメッセージはご遠慮下さい ここに...
Gender : Mies
Age : 24
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
初めましてソルと申します 日本の音楽と映画が好きで日本語を勉強しています ペンパルは初めてだけど良い友達に会いたいです 性別 年齢は別として お互いに勉強しながら仲良くな...
Gender : Mies
Age : 33
Asuinmaa : Taiwan
hihi i am saija i have honda eg6 My interest love I have many interest to love and like to listening to music and cars most I especially like 90 s POP, CITY POP, Beingkei Visual kei Komuro family. etc...