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Gender : Mies
Age : 23
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
I am Korean and 23 years old. I am currently a college student and my hobbies are exercise, walking, watching movies, and reading books. I am into bowling these days. And I want to make friends to con...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 23
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
こんにちは 私は00年生まれで韓国の学生です 日本の方と友達になりたくて書いてみます 日本のアニメも大好きで 地域についても関心があります いつか会える日を楽しみにしながらど...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 47
Asuinmaa : Romania
Dive into the depths of adventureTomorrow, I m embarking on a scuba diving expedition, where vibrant coral reefs and enigmatic marine life await. This underwater paradise promises breathtaking encount...
Gender : Mies
Age : 28
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
Please read my Profile I want Only Girlfriend I need a girlfriend I do not want a just friend. I am lonely and depressing life. Note that. I Hate few reply, short reply, late replyI Like Quick reply, ...
Gender : Mies
Age : 31
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
始めまして 韓国に住んでいる31歳の研究員です 日本の歌手と歌が好きです 特にZARD好きです 大学のごろから日本語を習ってきましたが 今はほとんど忘れてしまって また勉強しようと...
Gender : Mies
Age : 51
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
Hello, I just want to share the culture and travel information of each country My hobbies are swimming, Taekwondo, meditation ,long distance driving and temple staying Unmarried こんにちは 私はただ各自の国の文化と旅行情報...
Gender : Mies
Age : 43
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
Hello I d like to get a mail friend. Foreign friends who want to learn Korean, Welcome to those who want to learn Korean culture. I m also thinking about life around the world, culture, and thoughts I...