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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621108

Gender : Mies
Age : 53
Asuinmaa : Japani
Hello everyoneThank you for looking at my profileI d like to make long term penpals and friends from all around the worldI run my own business. it’s profitable but requires long working hour. Somethin...
Gender : Mies
Age : 52
Asuinmaa : Senegal
Hellol am very understanding man with good heart, and will be happy to find the same in any beautiful woman all over the world as a friend. l look forward to meet yo...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 39
Asuinmaa : Ranska
Hi My name is Christelle, I m French and live in Martinique. I would like meet penpals. I m agree to doing change the letters and mail, i can use or .I like documentary, nature, cooking specially Fren...
Gender : Mies
Age : 33
Asuinmaa : Malesia
I m Max from Malaysia. Would love to make new around the world. Love travelling and football. Hope I can do both while meeting new people while travelin...
Gender : Mies
Age : 36
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
はじめまして 日常の話とか気軽に話しながら付き合える 日本人の友達を探しています 仲良くなったら電話もしたいです まだ未熟な日本語ですが 頑張って使いますので 韓国語レベル...
Gender : Mies
Age : 29
Asuinmaa : Saksa
AhoyMy name is Andi and I m looking for new friends arround my age, to have good conversations with, even though I sometimes struggle to keep a conversation going I m an introverted person. I don t ne...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 19
Asuinmaa : Indonesia
hiianother infj t here i study engineering at uni welp hope I ll be able to survive this semester lol i used to be a homebody but my major forced me to travel to places so yeah. i love going to the be...