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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620201

Gender : Nainen
Age : 16
Asuinmaa : Intia
heloo looking for someone who can help me improve my french and teach me korean i can help you in english too also if you wanna be friends, just hit me up with a message i like to talk about life, boo...
Gender : Mies
Age : 21
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
I m learning japanese. And I wanna makes many japanese friends. 저는 일본어를 배우고 있습니다. 그리고 많은 일본인 친구들을 사귀고 싶습니...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 35
Asuinmaa : Japani
はじめまして 私は日本に住む89年生まれです 韓国の食べ物 音楽 ドラマ コスメが大好きです 色んな人と仲良くなりたいです 気軽に接して下さい よろしくお願いしますHello Nice to meet uI w...
Gender : Mies
Age : 27
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
こんにちは 私は韓国に住んでいるミンスと申します 現在 日本語能力試験 JLPT の勉強をしており 試験の準備のために会話ができる日本人の友達を探しています もし韓国語を学んでい...
Gender : Mies
Age : 31
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
만나서 반가워요 좋은 인연을 만나고 싶어요. 잘 부탁드려요. Hello, everyone I want to meet a relationship. I look forward to your kind cooperation. みんな こんにちは いい縁に会いたいです. どうぞよろし...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 25
Asuinmaa : Japani
안녕하세요. 저는 일본에 살고 있는 빠른99년생 여자입니다. 어렸을 때부터 한국을 좋아해서 자주 여행합니다. 언젠가 어학 유학하고 싶다고 생각하고 있으니까 한국 친구를 만들고 싶어...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 31
Asuinmaa : Turkki
Hello, I m Eda. I live in Ankara, T rkiye. I want to have friends from all over the world. I like to know about different countries, cultures. I would like to have long term friendships. So if you wil...
HI! PENPAL! : Website for making Korean Penpal, Korean Friends, Japanese Penpal, Japanese Friends.
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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620201

Gender : Nainen
Age : 16
Asuinmaa : Intia
heloo looking for someone who can help me improve my french and teach me korean i can help you in english too also if you wanna be friends, just hit me up with a message i like to talk about life, boo...
Gender : Mies
Age : 21
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
I m learning japanese. And I wanna makes many japanese friends. 저는 일본어를 배우고 있습니다. 그리고 많은 일본인 친구들을 사귀고 싶습니...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 35
Asuinmaa : Japani
はじめまして 私は日本に住む89年生まれです 韓国の食べ物 音楽 ドラマ コスメが大好きです 色んな人と仲良くなりたいです 気軽に接して下さい よろしくお願いしますHello Nice to meet uI w...
Gender : Mies
Age : 27
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
こんにちは 私は韓国に住んでいるミンスと申します 現在 日本語能力試験 JLPT の勉強をしており 試験の準備のために会話ができる日本人の友達を探しています もし韓国語を学んでい...
Gender : Mies
Age : 31
Asuinmaa : Etelä-Korea
만나서 반가워요 좋은 인연을 만나고 싶어요. 잘 부탁드려요. Hello, everyone I want to meet a relationship. I look forward to your kind cooperation. みんな こんにちは いい縁に会いたいです. どうぞよろし...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 25
Asuinmaa : Japani
안녕하세요. 저는 일본에 살고 있는 빠른99년생 여자입니다. 어렸을 때부터 한국을 좋아해서 자주 여행합니다. 언젠가 어학 유학하고 싶다고 생각하고 있으니까 한국 친구를 만들고 싶어...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 31
Asuinmaa : Turkki
Hello, I m Eda. I live in Ankara, T rkiye. I want to have friends from all over the world. I like to know about different countries, cultures. I would like to have long term friendships. So if you wil...