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Gender : Nainen
Age : 31
Asuinmaa : Ranska
Hello My name is CecileI would like to correspond with people all over the world but particularly in Asia South Korea, Japan. In America, Europe Italy, England. and AustraliaLikes and Interests Music,...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 41
Asuinmaa : Japani
初めまして こんにちは 見ていただいてありがとうございます これから韓国語と英語を勉強したいと思い ペンパルに登録しました すぐ連絡取れなくなる人は嫌なので 長く連絡取り合...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 37
Asuinmaa : Turkki
Hi. I love travelling, getting to know different cultures, tasting different foods, cinema, theatre, ballet, art and swimming. Seeing unfamiliar places and tasting unfamiliar foods arouses my curiosit...
Gender : Mies
Age : 29
Asuinmaa : Yhdysvallat
Hi everyone, I m from the US and I ve been interested in countries like Japan, Korea, Thailand and many others. I m studying Japanese as a beginner, but I can also help you with English. I hope we can...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 52
Asuinmaa : Japani
初めまして 私は東京に住んでいる日本人女性です 韓国語の勉強をしているので 性別に関係なく たくさんの韓国人の方と友達になりたいです 末永く交流していただける方 仲良くして...
Gender : Mies
Age : 27
Asuinmaa : Turkki
I m HakanI live in IstanbulTurkeyI was born in 1998I am student at high schoolI am playing guitar and listen rock musicI want to meet new people so just write me...
Gender : Nainen
Age : 42
Asuinmaa : Iran
hi i m interested in different cultures, especially Korean culture and language. i like to travel and visit historical buildings. If you think we can be friends, send me a message, hope to make good f...