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Love travel and stroll 2
09,Jul 2017 11:43 PM
31,Jul 2017 08:22 PM
Manhattan, New York
Grenoble, France
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Total comment(s) :4
How often do you go to national travel?
woojin91 | 24,Jul 2017
sorry I talk a lot x)
hadjerpa | 31,Jul 2017
I also went in London and Scotland many times ( with school and family) and I went in New York once ! I like To travel and I dream To go in New Zeland, Hawaï, Japan, South Korea and many other places
hadjerpa | 31,Jul 2017
I was born and I live in France but my parents are from Algeria. So every summer holidays we try To go in Algeria To see our family and visit the country
hadjerpa | 31,Jul 2017