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#浅草 #아사쿠사 #Asakusa
29,Mar 2018 03:09 PM
30,Mar 2018 06:46 AM
아사쿠사에서 기모노를 입었습니다.
아주 멋진 디자인이었습니다 (*^^*)

A kimono was put on in Asakusa. It was the very nice design (*^^* )

인력거도 탔습니다.
너무 빨라서, 아사쿠사의 경치가 정말 멋졌어요!

I also rode a rickshaw. It was very early and the view of Asakusa was truly wonderful!
인력거는 너무 멋있었습니다!

The rickshaw was very cool!
초롱 모나카 아이스크림~

Total comment(s) :1
인력거가 있었다니 저는 저기서 게맛살구이랑 야키소바먹었어요
ratatou | 30,Mar 2018
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